Unit 3
Status of Progress Points
(*2) RPV (Reactor Pressure Vessel)
(*3) PCV (Primary Containment Vessel)
Investigative results into the Unit 3 PCV equipment hatch using a small investigation device
- As part of the investigation into the PCV to facilitate fuel debris removal, the status around the Unit 3 PCV equipment hatch was investigated using a small self-traveling investigation device on November 26, 2015.
- Given blots such as rust identified below the water level inside the PCV, there may be a leakage from the seal to the extent of bleeding. Methods to investigate and repair the parts, including other PCV penetrations with a similar structure, will be considered.
Investigation inside the PCV
Prior to removing fuel debris, to check the conditions inside the Primary Containment Vessel (PCV) including the location of the fuel debris, investigation inside the PCV was conducted.
[Steps for investigation and equipment development]
Investigation from X-53 penetration(*4)
- From October 22-24, the status of X-53 penetration, which may be under the water and which is scheduled for use to investigate the inside of the PCV, was investigated using remote-controlled ultrasonic test equipment. Results showed that the penetration is not under the water.
- For the purpose of confirming the status inside the PCV, an investigation device was inserted into the PCV from X-53 penetration on October 20 and 22, 2015 to obtain images, data of dose and temperature and sample accumulated water. No damage was identified on the structure and walls inside the PCV and the water level was almost identical with the estimated value. In addition, the dose inside the PCV was confirmed to be lower than in other Units.
- In the next step, the obtained information will be analyzed to be utilized in the consideration about the policy for future fuel debris removal.