As investigation of conditions inside the actual reactor, inspections for specific locations, such as the inside of the PCV, RPV, S/C and torus room, and measurements of the fuel debris distribution using muon detection system are to be conducted. Muon detection technology is a measurement technology utilizing the characteristics of cosmic ray muon that scatters exclusively in high density materials and travels in a straight line if there is none. It is categorized to transmission method, scattering method and transmission method using nuclear emulsion plate depending on the detection method. Also, PCV internal survey can be categorized to the observation using a fiber scope camera, sampling and analysis of stagnant water, CCD camera, dosimeter and unmanned robot equipped with a thermometer.
The following is the status of the visual inspection using remote devices.
The internal PCV/RPV survey is an effective method to study the fuel debris retrieval policy by getting the information on the current status of the plant including the photographs, damage state of the equipment,radiation dose and temperature. This section describes the status of the study on the PCV internal survey for Units 1-3 performed in FY 2015 and study status of RPV internal survey.
It is very effective to confirm the conditions of the fuel debris inside the RPV, structures and environment directly before the commencement of the retrieval work in order to carry out the retrieval work in a reasonable manner. As a result of the studies on the RPV internal survey method, the investigation accessing from the piping connected to the nozzle located on lateral side to the inside of the RPV, it was found difficult to reach the appropriate locations and conduct inspections from technical perspective. Accordingly, internal survey method which establishes holes on the shield plug and upper part of the PCV from the operating floor to access the inside the RPV was selected as a development object. The development to confirm the feasibility is currently underway. With regards to creating an opening in the upper part of the PCV as major technical issues, the possibility of sealing technology to control radioactive materials released from the inside of the PCV is confirmed through the element test. Also, the element tests were conducted for the technology to confirm feasibility of creating an access hole through the complicated internal structures from reactor core region from the operating floor level. In addition, the concepts of the system required for the RPV internal survey on the site was studied and it indicated the necessity of considerable preparation for the inspection-related systems including the measures to control the release of radioactive materials.
The requirements on the entire system during the boring and inspection are to be summarized as future issues. The detailed studies are to be conducted for technologies for the internal survey to be applied as well as the verification of the possibility. On the basis of the site conditions, the detailed studies are conducted for the improvement of reasonable plan for the RPV internal survey and timing of implementation for each Unit. Also, since the scales of the system may become larger, survey items and its degree of importance in the survey needs are to be studied combined with the technical FS. The evaluation will need to be performed from the perspective of cost effectiveness in consideration of the risk involved in the survey. It is important to conduct these evaluations systematically while making decision in appropriate timing.
Also, before the commencement of the development, it is desirable to perform the researches on the details of other technical development and technical information in Japan and abroad with incorporating the reasonable method flexibly.
Measurement of the fuel debris distribution using muon detection technology is as follows:
The fuel debris distribution measurements were performed by muon detection of transmission method twice from February to May and from May to September, 2015. The results of these measurements indicated that in the original reactor core region indicated that there was neither water nor fuels larger than 1 m, which can be identified by muon detection using transmission method.
The distribution measurement of the fuel debris was performed by muon detection of transmission method using nuclear emulsion plate for Unit 2 and it implied there are no high density materials (fuels) in the reactor core regions.
Also, the measurement for the core region and RPV lower plenum by the transmission method has been started from May 2016. The evaluation will be performed after the data measurement for more than three months.
The measurement plan is also required for Unit 3.