FP-data collection

Drawing measured value by graph

  1. Charting tool


Summary graph

Short-term time transition

RPV pressure, PCV pressure, water level and dose rate, 11/Mar 12:00 to 28/Mar 0:00

  1. Unit-1
  2. Unit-2
  3. Unit-3

Dose rate of the monitoring posts at the time of the accident

  1. Gamma dose rate of monitoring posts, 11/Mar 12:00 to 28/Mar 0:00
  2. Gamma dose rate and neutron dose rate of monitoring posts, 11/Mar 12:00 to 16/Mar 12:00

Long-term time transition

Dose rate

  1. Unit-1
  2. Unit-2
  3. Unit-3

135Xe concentration

  1. Unit-1
  2. Unit-2
  3. Unit-3

137Cs and 134Cs concentration in the PCV

  1. Unit-1
  2. Unit-2
  3. Unit-3

85Kr concentration in the PCV

  1. Unit-1
  2. Unit-2
  3. Unit-3


  1. 137Cs concentration in accumulated water in PCVs, torus rooms, turbine buildings, process main building and high temperature incinerator building
  2. 137Cs concentration in accumulated water of each building


Survey map

  1. Reactor building survey map